


With the establishment of the INA KESS Animal Foundation, we strive to make our world a better place for our animal friends. Through well curated events, our MULTILIFE Concept and the donations of many generous customers, friends and family we will be supporting selected projects and we will create our own  projects in the future with a focus on helping animals have a better life. 

Follow us on our journey with the INA KESS Animal Foundation and make our world a better place for both animals and the environment as well!


Donations are highly appreciated:

INA KESS Animal Foundation

Brandschenkestrasse 96

8002 Zürich

IBAN: CH26 0483 5346 7924 9100 0

Account number: 3467924-91


Follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about the latest news.


Stiftungsrat: Katharina Staub, Daniel Bader, Christoph Neeracher


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